Thursday, June 19, 2014

The New House

So we've been in the new house for a couple of weeks now. It's coming together but 
it's a work in progress. The days have a funny way of running together and sometimes I don't think I'll ever get everything done. And that's just silly because with each project 
I tackle I can see some progress happening. 

Moving Day. Our Dinning Room aka box drop

Are we the only ones who get our boxes from the ABC (liquor) Store?

The biggest challenge for me is finding a place for everything. Deciding the best place for the glasses or the drawer for silverware. All those things seem overwhelming… in the sense that you have to decide so many things right off the bat. Eventually you just pick a drawer and go with it because it can be moved if you don't like where it is. I just didn't want to have to move 15 different drawers or cabinets. 
I must done ok because haven't had too move much…  that was a relief. 

Unpacking the kitchen with a little help from Wyatt

Everyday things seems to come together more and more. Even though it's been overwhelming at times it's been worth it. One day you're about to pull out your hair in frustration… "Where should this go?!!!" The next thing you know you look around and things look almost put together. 

The other big challenge is being a mom and trying to find time to do everything. It's not easy having boxes stare out you when you're not able to do anything about it. The last time we moved was 7 years ago. We were much younger and we didn't have kids so we could work into the night if we wanted…  skip a meal or even eat while working. So not the case now. I go to bed around 9:30pm each night because at least one of the boys will wake up during the night. These days we are up for the day between 5:30 and 6am. Oh how I wish I could talk them into sleeping until 7am but … pleas fall on deaf ears…. When did your little ones start to sleep through the night? 

I'll have some before and after photos up soon. Im also planning the boys first birthday party. I'll have pictures of the decorations and party. 

I hope you're having a wonderful summer and staying cool. 

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