Friday, May 16, 2014

Painting Furniture

We have been painting the furniture but it is slow going. Between juggling work and the boys there isn't a lot of time left over. We manage to squeeze it in as much as possible but it has been a few days between some of the coats of paint/polyurethane ….. and there have been many. 

Sorry no before pictures…. my husband obviously doesn't know how this works…. we need before pictures my love!! Im sad I didn't get those in before but trust me when I tell you they needed painting. The dresser looked almost new, I just wasn't a big fan of the finish. The book case was old… I mean REALLY old. 10-13 years old purchased from Walmart for probably $20.  I thought if it doesn't turn out I'll throw it out and if it works … YAY! 

This is a sort of a before… just imagine everything put together. 

And these are some bunk beds taken apart that I found on Craigslist for $100. Real wood and very durable just needed some paint so everything would match. 

This is after the first coat of paint…

And here we are after the third. BIG difference. 

I don't have any photos of the finished project because it's been a crazy busy month. I've been lucky to get done what I have. My fun in blogging was put on hold… sad face. 

We do have the go ahead to set in motion moving plans for next week. Im almost scared to post that… we've had so many set backs… but here goes.
 Keep your fingers crossed for us. 

After Im in my own home I think it will be so much easier to carve out some time to blog regularly. We're all in the same room at my inlaws so Im not able to type when the boys are sleeping or do anything that makes too much noise. 

You do not want to wake up teething 10 month olds! 

Im looking forward to sharing the coming together of our home. I've spent countless hours daydreaming and creating Pinterest boards. Im so excited for it to all come together. 

If you have any tops for unpacking with small ones underfoot please share. 

or just wish me luck… Im going to need it. 

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