Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tour of the New House with Before Photos

We've decided to part ways with our floor guy and move on to a company with more experience with dark floor stains. This is good news I think. But with the good comes …. that's right…. some bad… 

The new company can't get us in for a few weeks. So while I try not cry…. I'll keep it together long enough to take you on a tour of home as it was when we purchased. 

  I've been living with my in-laws since January. Don't get me wrong they are GREAT… really great but it's tough. Space is tight and privacy is.... leaving something to be desired. Living with your own parents can be hard.. even more so when it's someone else's. 

You've seen the front before … but here it is again. Cute huh? We've taken out all the old landscaping and replaced it with my hydrangea garden. I've also added some gardenia and azalea bushes. It's going to be really beautiful once it fills in. I'll be sure to show some of those pics soon. I promise. 

This is a view of the back. The bushes haven't come out yet but I plan to remove them. We're thinking of expanding the concrete slab to serve as a patio but ...we haven't decided. A deck would be awesome but they are super expensive and we've reached our max budget for big ticket items for the next year or two.

The kitchen 

And from a different angle. Im trying to talk Dale into letting me paint the cabinets white or an off white. We had a bad experience at our last home so he's paint shy with cabinets. I think I've convinced him. I'll keep you posted.

Here we have the dining room from the living room. It's one big space and I love it. Very open but Im not sure how the layout will go as far as furniture yet. I'll have to play around with it…. if we ever move in. Sorry .... the pity party is coming out again. 

This is the master. I love how bright the room is. 
My favorite thing about this room is the huge closet I'll have… 

ALL. TO. MY. SELF.     

Happy Dance. Big Smiling Face

And here we have the master bath. We were told the cabinets were custom but they are a little blah, not bad but not as good as they could be. They just need a little paint to spruce them up. 

We'll eventually put in new counter tops but that will be in a year or two. If only I had unlimited funds…. sigh.

 I'd love to frame out the mirror with some molding. The shower will stay the same. 

Another view…

Here's a shot of the shower. 

That brings us to the boys rooms. You can see the beautiful chalkboard wall…. we ended up painting over it. While I like the idea... Im more likely to do a smaller area and not a whole wall. 

The previous owners had good taste. They were Duke fans. :) Duke stickers where everywhere in this room.

Since we have 3 bedrooms we decided to separate the twins to work on sleep training. We initially thought we'd have a guest room but my boys aren't sleeping through the night yet and momma is Tired. 

That's right my boys are almost 10 months old and don't sleep through the night. I usually get up twice a night and that's for about 20-30 minutes to take care of both if Im lucky. 

Any pointers or tips would be greatly appreciated. 
Although I think sleep deprivation is normal for me now. ;) 

And here we have the 3rd and final bedroom. Pretty straight forward. We've already painted and I have adorable decorations from the nursery at our previous home. Im not sure if I'll have enough decorations for both rooms so I guess that means I'll just HAVE to shop for more. Nothing to be done about it… right? You'll help explain to the hubby?? Thanks for backing me up. 

Our second bath which will serve for the boys as well as any guests that visit. The same as our bath just a smaller area and different layout. I'll paint the vanity in here as well and we've removed the sliding doors from the shower. Im not a fan. It would be awful bathing my babies and trying to lean against that thing. Ughh… makes me hurt just thinking about it. I wasn't able to convince Dale to remove the one in the master bath but you have to pick your battles… am I right? 

This post is going long... sorry. One last photo and I'll wrap it up. Promise.

Our laundry room. It looks small but it's plenty of room. We'll stack a front load washer and a dryer in one corner and in the other Im doing a shelving unit from Lowes. 

And there you have it a tour of our home as it was when we purchased. Overall adorable but in need of some updating. We've painted all the walls and Dale has installed tile in the bathrooms. All that's left is painting cabinets, hanging blinds, cleaning the bathrooms and windows while we wait for the new flooring company to fix the floors for us. 

I'll post some in between photos for you to see how the transformation is coming along. 

I'd love to hear from you about your past or current renos and any advice you have on what worked for you. 

Happy Wednesday

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